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Cinder Cones

Cinder cones are the simplest type of volcano. They are built from particles and blobs of congealed lava ejected from a single vent. As the gas-charged lava is blown violently into the air,…

Umbriel and Ariel

Umbriel and Ariel are roughly three-fourths the size of Oberon and Titania. Umbriel is the darkest of the large moons, with huge craters peppering its surface. Umbriel has a paucity of what…

Submarine Volcanoes

Submarine volcanoes and volcanic vents are common features on certain zones of the ocean floor. Some are active at the present time and, in shallow water, disclose their presence by blasting…

121 of the Most Interesting Facts in the World

The planet is full of a million fun facts and interesting lists— which is handy, because the world’s population is typically full of curious individuals! That’s why Infoplease has compiled all of…

Year in Review 2002

Election 2002 Results U.S. SenateHouse of RepresentativesState Governors Quizzes: Places in the News Winter 2002Spring 2002Summer 2002Fall 2002Astronomical Calendar January July…


(Encyclopedia) CopánCopánkōpänˈ [key], ruined city of the Maya, W Honduras, in a small river valley of the same name. Copán is noted for its fine sculptured stele and majestic architecture. The ruins…

Jaggar,Thomas Augustus, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Jaggar,Thomas Augustus, Jr., 1871–1953, American geologist and volcanologist, b. Philadelphia, Ph.D. Harvard, 1897. One of the team of U.S. scientists (1902) who surveyed the eruptions…

Kodiak Island

(Encyclopedia) Kodiak IslandKodiak Islandkōˈdēăkˌ [key], 5,363 sq mi (13,890 sq km), c.100 mi (160 km) long and 10–60 mi (16–96 km) wide, off S Alaska, separated from the Alaska Peninsula by Shelikof…

Kircher, Athanasius

(Encyclopedia) Kircher, AthanasiusKircher, Athanasiusätänäˈzē&oobreve;s kĭrkhˈər [key], 1601?–1680, German Jesuit archaeologist, mathematician, biologist, philologist, astronomer, musicologist,…


(Encyclopedia) PolynesiaPolynesiapŏlĭnēˈzhə, –shə [key] [Gr.,=many islands], one of the three main divisions of Oceania, in the central and S Pacific Ocean. The larger islands are volcanic; the…