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Volcanos of the World Quiz

There have been some famous volcanic eruptions around the world, from American Mount St. Helens to Pompeii in the ancient Roman empire. But what do you know about the many, many volcanos of the world…

Mount Kilimanjaro Quiz

Are you a fan of adventure and natural wonders? Do you consider yourself a travel enthusiast? Then, you must have heard of Mount Kilimanjaro! The dormant volcanic mountain located in Tanzania…


(Encyclopedia) NayaritNayaritnäyärētˈ [key], state (1990 pop. 824,643), 10,547 sq mi (27,317 sq km), W Mexico, on the Pacific Ocean. Tepic is the capital. Mostly wild and rugged, Nayarit is broken by…

Lipari Islands

(Encyclopedia) Lipari IslandsLipari Islandslĭpˈərē [key], formerly Aeolian IslandsAeolian Islandsēōˈlēən [key], Ital. Isole Eolie, volcanic island group (1991 pop. 10,382), 44 sq mi (114 sq km),…

Mexico, state, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Mexico, Span. México or Méjico, state (1990 pop. 9,815,795), 8,286 sq mi (21,461 sq km), S central Mexico. Toluca is the capital. The northern section of the state, containing most of…

Apollo 11 - Anniversary

Apollo 11July 20 marks the anniversary of man's first walk on the moon by Ricco Villanueva Siasoco How many movies, songs, anecdotes—even clichés—have sprung from humanity's first landing on the…

Oberon and Titania

The two largest moons, Oberon, 942 mi (1,516 km) in diameter, and Titania, 982 mi (1,580 km) in diameter, are less than half the diameter of Earth's Moon. Titania, the reddest of Uranus's moons, may…