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Orville ROBINSON, Congress, NY (1801-1882)

ROBINSON Orville , a Representative from New York; born in Richfield, Oswego County, N.Y., October 28, 1801; completed preparatory studies; studied law; was admitted to the bar in 1827 and…

Tommy Franklin ROBINSON, Congress, AR (1942)

ROBINSON Tommy Franklin , a Representative from Arkansas; born in Little Rock, Ark., March 7, 1942; graduated from Little Rock High School, Little Rock, Ark., 1959; B.A., University of Little Rock…

John Donne: Expostulation V. Solus adest

ExpostulationJohn Donne O GOD, my God, thy Son took it not ill at Martha's hands, that when he said unto her, “Thy brother Lazarus shall rise again,” [John 11:23] she expostulated it so far…

John Donne: Prayer V. Solus adest

PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, who calledst down fire from heaven upon the sinful cities but once, and openedst the earth to swallow the murmurers but once, and threwest…

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)

Historical BackgroundPerhaps no other case decided by the Court in the 20th century has had so profound an effect on the social fabric of America as Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. By…

City of Philadelphia v. New Jersey (1978)

Case SummaryCities, including Philadelphia, and landfill operators, sued to challenge a New Jersey law that prevented out-of-State waste from being treated or disposed of within New Jersey.…

Communist Party of Indiana v. Whitcomb (1974)

Case SummaryIn 1972, the Communist Party of Indiana was denied a place on the presidential ballot because it refused to provide an affidavit, sworn under oath, that it did not advocate the…

Brewer's: V. D. M. I. A. E

(Verbum Dei manet in aeternum). The word of God endureth for ever. The inscription on the livery of the servants of the Duke of Saxony and Landgrave of Hesse, the Lutheran princes, at the…

Ronald V. DELLUMS, Congress, CA (1935)

DELLUMS Ronald V. , a Representative from California; born in Oakland, Alameda County, Calif., November 24, 1935; attended the Oakland public schools; A.A., Oakland City College, 1958; B.A., San…