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Driving Laws, 2006

Currently all states plus DC have child safety seat laws and enforce a drinking age of 21. As of August 2005, all 50 states had blood alcohol concentration (bac) limits of 0.08, following concerted…

Getting to Work in the City

The following table shows the commuting characteristics of people living in the 15 largest U.S. cities by population, as of 2000. Modes of transportation include driving alone, carpooling,…

Improper Driving as a Factor in Accidents

Fatal accidentsInjury accidentsAll accidentsKind of improper driving 199519992000199519992000199519992000Improper driving 68.1%72.6%61.6%73.5%67.2%60.3%75.5%62.2%57.8%Speed too fast or unsafe 19.823…