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Ariel, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ArielArielāˈrēĕl [key], in the Bible, aide of Ezra. In two other passages AV calls them “lionlike men” (“two ariels of Moab” in RV). Nothing is known of them. Ariel is also used as a…

Kore, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) KoreKorekōˈrē [key], in the Bible. 1 Family of temple doorkeepers. 2 Levite under Hezekiah.

Arad, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) AradAradāˈrăd [key], in the Bible, royal town in the Negev, the modern Tell Arad (Israel), S of Hebron. The “king Arad” in the Book of Numbers is a mistranslation for “king of Arad.”…

justice of the peace

(Encyclopedia) justice of the peace, official presiding over a type of police court. In some states of the United States the justices, who are usually elected, have jurisdiction over petty civil and…

Lot, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Lot, in the Book of Genesis, the son of Abraham's brother Haran. Lot settled in Sodom and received a warning of its destruction. As he fled with his family, his wife, disobeying God's…

Lydia, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) LydiaLydialĭdˈēə [key], in the New Testament, Christian convert at whose house in Philippi Paul stayed. She was from Thyatira.

Demetrius, in the Bible

(Encyclopedia) Demetrius, in the New Testament. 1 Silversmith of Ephesus who stirred up a riot against Paul. 2 Disciple commended in Third John.