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Nicholas II, czar of Russia

(Encyclopedia) Nicholas II, 1868–1918, last czar of Russia (1894–1917), son of Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna. Discontent at home grew, the army tired of war, the food situation deteriorated,…

Peter Pan: The Return Home

"Hook or Me this Time" When Wendy Grew Up The Return Home By three bells that morning they were all stirring their stumps [legs]; for there was a big sea running; and Tootles, the bo'…

Frederick I, Holy Roman emperor and German king

(Encyclopedia) Frederick I or Frederick BarbarossaFrederick Ibärbərôsˈə [key] [Ital.,=red beard], c.1125–90, Holy Roman emperor (1155–90) and German king (1152–90), son of Frederick of Hohenstaufen,…

Marx, Karl

(Encyclopedia) Marx, Karl, 1818–83, German social philosopher, the chief theorist of modern socialism and communism. In 1847 Marx joined the Communist League and with Engels wrote for it the…

Text of the Constitution of the United States

(Encyclopedia) Text1 of the Constitution of the United States Preamble We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic…

Women's Suffrage: The Averted Triumph

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler How the Woman Suffrage Movement BeganThat Adjective Male 1866 The Averted Triumph 1848-1860It was not until 1848 that the compact, made…