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Brewer's: Xanthos

[reddish yellow]. Achilles' wonderful horse. Being chid by his master for leaving Patroclos on the field of battle, the horse turned his head reproachfully, and told Achilles that he also would soon…

Brewer's: Diomedean Swop

An exchange in which all the benefit is on one side. This proverbial expression is founded on an incident related by Homer in the Iliad. Glaucus recognises Diomed on the battle-field, and…

Brewer's: Epic

Father of epic poetry. Homer (about 950 B.C.), author of the Iliad and Odyssey. Celebrated epics are the Iliad, Odyssey, Æneid, Paradise Lost. The great Puritan epic. Milton's Paradise…

Brewer's: Ilk

The surname of the person spoken of is the same as the name of his estate. It is quite a mistake to use the phrase “All that ilk” to signify all of that name or sort. Bethune of that ilk…

Brewer's: Hector

Eldest son of Priam, the noblest and most magnanimous of all the chieftains in Homer's Iliad (a Greek epic). After holding out for ten years, he was slain by Achilles, who lashed him to…

Walcott, Derek Alton

(Encyclopedia) Walcott, Derek Alton, 1930–2017, West Indian dramatist and poet, b. Castries, St. Lucia, grad. Univ. of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, 1953. His grandfathers were both white, one of…