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Footnotes - The Odyssey

Footnotes Black races are evidently known to the writer as stretching all across Africa, one half looking West on to the Atlantic, and the other East on to the Indian Ocean. The original…

The Illiad: Preface.

Note to the Fifth Edition. Preface. In the spring of 1862 I was induced, at the request of some personal friends, to print, for private circulation only, a small volume of "…


(Encyclopedia) wrestling, sport in which two unarmed opponents grapple with one another. The object is to secure a fall, i.e., cause the opponent to lose balance and fall to the floor, and ultimately…

Ancient Greek Literature & Mythology

Poets, Playwrights, Gods, and Heroes   Read all about the fascinating world of ancient Greek mythology, drama, history, and religion with glossaries, lists, quizzes, crosswords, and more. You…