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(Encyclopedia) avocadoavocadoäˈvəkäˈdo, ăvˈ– [key], tropical American broad-leaved evergreen tree of the genus Persea of the family Lauraceae (laurel family). The fruit, called avocado, alligator…


(Encyclopedia) BorgiaBorgiabōrˈjä [key], Span. BorjaBorgiabôrˈhä [key], Spanish-Italian noble family, originally from Aragón. When Alfonso de Borja, cardinal-archbishop of Valencia, was pope as…


(Encyclopedia) dormouse, name for Old World nocturnal rodents of the family Gliridae. There are many dormouse species, classified in several genera. Many resemble small squirrels. Dormice sleep…

bird-of-paradise flower

(Encyclopedia) bird-of-paradise flower, large tropical herb (Strelitzia reginae) of the family Musaceae (banana family), native to S Africa. Its large blue and orange blossom resembles an exotic bird…


(Encyclopedia) parrotfish, common name for a member of a large group of colorful reef fishes of warm seas, resembling the wrasses but of a larger size. Long considered a separate family, Scaridae,…


(Encyclopedia) gaillardiagaillardiagālärˈdēə [key], any plant of the genus Gaillardia of the Asteaceae family (aster family), including annual, biennial, and perennial herbs with showy heads of red…


(Encyclopedia) strawflower, garden annual (Helichrysum bracteatum) of the family Asteraceae (aster family), a favorite as an everlasting but also grown for its fresh flowers. The plant is native to…

moth mullein

(Encyclopedia) moth mullein, common name for the mullein Verbascum blatteria, a plant native to Europe and naturalized as a weed in the United States. It is a member of the family Scrophulariaceae (…


(Encyclopedia) bergamotbergamotbûrˈgəmŏtˌ [key] [from Bergamo, Italy], citrus tree (Citrus bergamia) grown chiefly in Italy, belonging to the family Rutaceae (rue family). From the rind of the…


(Encyclopedia) cornflower, common herb (Centaurea cyanus) of the family Asteraceae (aster family). It is a garden flower in the United States but a weed in the grainfields of Europe. It is called…