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columbine, in botany
(Encyclopedia) columbinecolumbinekŏlˈəmbīn [key], any plant of the genus Aquilegia, temperate-zone perennials of the family Ranunculaceae (buttercup family), popular both as wildflowers and as garden…midge
(Encyclopedia) midge, name for any of numerous minute, fragile flies in several families. The family Chironomidae consists of about 2,000 species, most of which are widely distributed. The…magnolia, in botany
(Encyclopedia) magnolia, common name for plants of the genus Magnolia, and for the Magnoliaceae, a family of deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs, often with showy flowers. They are principally of…Fugger
(Encyclopedia) FuggerFuggerf&oobreve;gˈər [key], German family of merchant princes. The foundation of their wealth was laid by Hans Fugger, allegedly a weaver, who moved to Augsburg in 1367. His…needlefish
(Encyclopedia) needlefish, common name for members of the family Belonidae, which comprises species of elongated, surface-swimming predaceous fish abundant in warm seas. They have beaklike jaws armed…barberry
(Encyclopedia) CE5 Barberry, Berberis vulgaris barberrybarberrybärˈbĕrˌē [key], common name for the family Berberidaceae, and specifically for the spiny barberries (Berberis species). The family…anemone
(Encyclopedia) anemoneanemoneənĕmˈənē [key] or windflower, any of the perennial herbs, wild or cultivated, of the genus Anemone of the family Ranunculaceae (buttercup family). A rich legendary…angelica
(Encyclopedia) angelicaangelicaănjĕlˈĭkə [key], any species of the genus Angelica, plants of the family Umbelliferae (parsley family), native to the Northern Hemisphere and New Zealand, valued for…rye grass
(Encyclopedia) rye grass, short-lived perennial, leafy, tufted plant belonging to the family Poaceae (grass family). Two species are grown in the United States—Italian rye grass (Lolium multiflorum…coneflower
(Encyclopedia) coneflower, name for several American wildflowers of the family Asteraceae (aster family). The purple coneflowers (genus Echinacea), found E of the Rockies, have purple to pinkish…