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Schoelcher, Victor

(Encyclopedia) Schoelcher, VictorSchoelcher, Victorvēktôrˈ shölshĕrˈ [key], 1804–93, French humanitarian and statesman. Long involved in the abolition movement, he presided (1848) over a commission…


(Encyclopedia) Barnaul Barnaul bərnə&oomacr;lˈ [key], city, capital of Altai Territory, SW Siberian Russia, on the…

Severnaya Zemlya

(Encyclopedia) Severnaya ZemlyaSevernaya Zemlyasyĕˈvĭrnīə zĭmlyäˈ [key] [Rus.,=northern land], archipelago, c.14,300 sq mi (37,010 sq km), between the Kara and Laptev seas, Krasnoyarsk Territory, N…

Simpson Desert

(Encyclopedia) Simpson Desert, c.50,000 sq mi (130,000 sq km), barren region of central Australia, predominantly in the southeastern portion of the Northern Territory, extending S into Queensland and…

Nuttall, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Nuttall, Thomas, 1786–1859, American naturalist, b. England. He was a pioneer in American paleontology and was curator (1822–32) of the Harvard botanical garden. He accompanied several…

Fallen Timbers

(Encyclopedia) Fallen Timbers, battle fought in 1794 between tribes of the Northwest Territory and the U.S. army commanded by Anthony Wayne; it took place in NW Ohio at the rapids of the Maumee River…

Abd ar-Rahman, sultan of Morocco

(Encyclopedia) Abd ar-Rahman, 1778–1859, sultan of Morocco (1822–59). He sought, unsuccessfully, to take advantage of the overthrow of Turkish rule in Algeria in order to extend his territory. Later…

Boa Vista

(Encyclopedia) Boa Vista Boa Vista bōˈə vēshˈtə [key], city, capital of Roraima state, NW Brazil, on the Rio Branco.…

Cairo Conference

(Encyclopedia) Cairo Conference, Nov. 22–26, 1943, World War II meeting of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek of…

Kearny, Stephen Watts

(Encyclopedia) Kearny, Stephen WattsKearny, Stephen Wattskärˈnē [key], 1794–1848, American general in the Mexican War, b. Newark, N.J. At the beginning of the Mexican War he was made commander of the…