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Salair Ridge

(Encyclopedia) Salair RidgeSalair Ridgesələērˈ [key], range, c.200 mi (320 km) long, E Siberian Russia. Extending along the northern border of the Altai Territory, it rises to more than 2,000 ft (610…

Axel Heiberg Island

(Encyclopedia) Axel Heiberg IslandAxel Heiberg Islandăkˈsəl hīˈbərg [key], 13,583 sq mi (35,180 sq km), in the Arctic Ocean, N Nunavut Territory, Canada, W of Ellesmere Island. It was named by the…

Nettilling Lake

(Encyclopedia) Nettilling LakeNettilling Lakenĕchˈĭlĭng [key], freshwater lake, 1,956 sq mi (5,066 sq km), S Baffin Island, Nunavut Territory, Canada; one of the largest lakes entirely within Canada…

Adygey Republic

(Encyclopedia) Adygey RepublicAdygey Republicədĭgyĕˈ [key] or Adygeya, formerly Adyge Autonomous Region, constituent republic (1990 est. pop. 435,000), c.2,935 sq mi (7,600 sq km), an enclave within…


(Encyclopedia) SarmatiaSarmatiasärmāˈshə [key], ancient district between the Vistula River and the Caspian Sea, gradually conquered and occupied by the Sarmatians [Lat. Sarmatae] or Sauromatians (a…

Northwest Territories

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Northwest Territories, territory (2001 pop. 37,360), 532,643 sq mi (1,379,028 sq km), NW Canada. The Northwest Territories lie W of Nunavut, N of lat. 60°N, and E of Yukon.…


(Encyclopedia) Dzierżoniów Dzierżoniów jēĕrzhôˈny&oomacr;f [key], Ger. Reichenbach, town, Dolnośląskie…

Arctic Council

(Encyclopedia) Arctic Council, intergovernmental forum established to promote cooperation, coordination, and interaction among the arctic nations, with the involvement of indigenous peoples and…

Lancaster Sound

(Encyclopedia) Lancaster Sound, arm of Baffin Bay, c.200 mi (320 km) long and 40 mi (60 km) wide, Nunavut Territory, Canada. It extends west between Devon and Baffin islands and is part of the…

Fallen Timbers

(Encyclopedia) Fallen Timbers, battle fought in 1794 between tribes of the Northwest Territory and the U.S. army commanded by Anthony Wayne; it took place in NW Ohio at the rapids of the Maumee River…