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Brewer's: Egyptian Festivals

(The). The six great festivals of the ancient Egyptians were— 1. That of Bubastis (= Diana, or the moon); 2. That of Busiris, in honour of Isis; 3. That of Saïs (= Minerva, Hermes, or…

Hindu Festivals Quiz

From Diwali to Holi, this quiz will challenge your understanding of the cultural and religious significance of Hindu festivals. Whether you're a student of religion, a follower of Hinduism, or just…

Black Rock Desert

(Encyclopedia) Black Rock Desert, arid region of lava beds and alkali flats, NW Nev., in Toiyabe National Forest, stretching c.70 mi (110 km) NE from Gerlach. The Jackson Mts. rise to the east; the…

Butch Cassidy: Fact or Fiction?

The Question: Did Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid really exist? The Answer: Yes, though the feature film based on them is hardly a documentary. See our biographies of Butch Cassidy (AKA…


(Encyclopedia) Cheltenham Cheltenham chĕltˈnəm [key], city and district, Gloucestershire, W central England. It has…

Eleusinian Mysteries

(Encyclopedia) Eleusinian MysteriesEleusinian Mysteriesĕly&oomacr;sĭnˈēən [key], principal religious mysteries of ancient Greece. The mysteries may have originated as part of an early agrarian…

40 Best Christmas Movie Quotes

Top of Page Christmas is a magical time — perhaps you’ll go ice skating, decorate the Christmas tree, bake cookies, and especially, watch holiday films. Christmas memories are made every year, and…

American Film Institute

(Encyclopedia) American Film Institute (AFI), nonprofit organization established in Washington, D.C., in 1967 by the National Endowment for the Arts to preserve and catalog American films and…