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Brewer's: Fezon

Daughter of Savary. Duke of Aquitaine, demanded in marriage by a pagan, called the Green Knight; but Orson, having overthrown the pagan, was accepted by the lady instead. (Valentine and…

Brewer's: Florentius

A knight who bound himself to marry a “foul and ugly witch,” if she would teach him the solution of a riddle on which his life depended. (Gower: Confessio Amantis.) Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Florisando

One of the knights in the Spanish version of Amadis of Gaul, whose exploits and adventures are recounted in the 6th and following books. This part of the romance was added by Paez de…

Brewer's: Florisel of Nice'a

A knight whose exploits and adventures form a supplemental part of the Spanish version of Amadis of Gaul. This part was added by Feliciano de Silva. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Dulcinea

A lady-love. Taken from Don Quixote's amie du coeur. Her real name was Aldonza Lorenzo, but the knight dubbed her Dulcinea del Toboso. “I must ever have some Dulcinea in my head—it…

Brewer's: Edie Ochiltree

In Scott's Antiquary. “Charles II. would be as sceptical as Edie Ochiltree about the existence of circles and avenues, altar-stones and cromlechs.” —Knight: Old England. Source:…

Brewer's: E'nid

The daughter and only child of Yniol, and wife of Prince Geraint, one of the Knights of the Round Table. Ladies called her “Enid the Fair,” but the people named her “Enid the Good.” (…

Brewer's: Maugys

A giant who keeps a bridge leading to a castle by a riverside, in which a beautiful lady is besieged. Sir Lybius, one of Arthur's knights, does battle with the giant; the contest lasts a…

Brewer's: Mita

Sister of Aude, surnamed “the Little Knight of Pearls,” in love with Sir Miton de Rennes, Roland's friend. Charlemagne greeted her after a tournament with the Saracens at Fronsac, saying…

Brewer's: Mithridate

(3 syl.). A confection said to be invented by Mithridates, King of Pontus and Bithynia, as an antidote to poison. It contains seventy-two ingredients. “What brave spirit could be content…