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Displaying 171 - 180

Brewer's: Law's Bubble

The famous Mississippi scheme, devised by John Law, for paying off the national debt of France (1716-1720). By this “French South-Sea Bubble” the nation was almost ruined. It was called…

Brewer's: Limb of the Law

(A). A lawyer, or a clerk articled to a lawyer. The hands are limbs of the body, and the lawyer's clerks are his hands to copy out what the head of the office directs. Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Kepler's Laws

(Johann Kepler, 1571-1630): (1) That the planets describe ellipses, and that the centre of the sun is in one of the foci. (2) That every planet so moves that the line drawn from it to the…

Brewer's: Red Laws

(The). The civil code of ancient Rome. Juvenal says, “Per lege rubras majoram leges” (Satires, xiv. 193). The civil laws, being written in vermillion, were called rubrica, and rubrica…

Brewer's: Salic Law

The law so called is one chapter of the Salian code regarding succession to salic lands, which was limited to heirs male to the exclusion of females, chiefly because certain military…

Brewer's: Stafford Law

Club law. A beating. The pun is on the word staff, a stick. (Italian, Braccésca licenza.) (Florio, p. 66.) (See above.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Storks' Law

or Lex Ciconaria. A Roman law which obliged children to maintain their necessitous parents in old age, “in imitation of the stork.” Also called “Antipelargia.” Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Sumptuary Laws

Laws to limit the expenses of food and dress, or any luxury. The Romans had their sumptuary laws (leges sumptuarii). Such laws have been enacted in many states at various times. Those of…

Brewer's: Mariotte's Law

At a given temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely as the pressure. So called from Ed. Mariotte, a Frenchman, who died 1684. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Grimm's Law

A law discovered by Jacob L. Grimm, the German philologist, to show how the mute consonants interehange as corresponding words occur in different branches of the Aryan family of languages…