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Berkman & Goldman: Address by Alexander Berkman

Discrimination Against the DefenseEmma Goldman's Address to the JuryAddress by Alexander Berkman GENTLEMEN OF THE JURY: It is for the first time that I rise to address a jury. * It was…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 HaitiHaitihāˈtē [key], Fr. HaïtiHaitiäētēˈ [key], officially Republic of Haiti, republic (2015 est. pop. 10,711,000), 10,700 sq mi (27,713 sq km), West Indies, on the western…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Algeria Algeria ăljērˈēə [key], Arab. Al Djazair, Fr. Algérie, officially People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, republic (2021 est. pop. 45,011,252…

Jimmy Carter (January 16, 1981)

To the Congress of the United States: The State of the Union is sound. Our economy is recovering from a recession. A national energy plan is in place and our dependence on foreign oil is…