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Libya Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Libya Index: People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Libyan Relations PEOPLE Libya has a small…

Tunisia Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Tunisia Index: People and History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Tunisian Relations PEOPLE AND HISTORYModern…


  Michigan State Information Capital: Lansing Official Name: Michigan Entered Union (rank): January 26th, 1837 (26th state) Present constitution adopted: April 1st, 1963 (effective January 1,…

Honduras Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Honduras Index: People History Government Political Conditions Economy National Security Foreign Relations U.S.-Honduran Relations PEOPLEAbout 90% of…

Tales from Shakespeare: The Comedy of Errors

The Comedy of Errors The states of Syracuse and Ephesus being at variance, there was a cruel law made at Ephesus, ordaining that if any merchant of Syracuse was seen in the city of Ephesus he…

Dwight D. Eisenhower (January 7, 1960)

Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the 86th Congress: Seven years ago I entered my present office with one long-held resolve overriding all others. I was then, and remain now, determined that…

William Shakespeare: Coriolanus, Act II

Act IIScene IRome. A public placeEnter Menenius with the two Tribunes of the people, Sicinius and Brutus.MeneniusThe augurer tells me we shall have news to-night.BrutusGood or bad?MeneniusNot…