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Harris, Isham Green

(Encyclopedia) Harris, Isham GreenHarris, Isham Greenīˈshəm [key], 1818–97, American political leader, b. Franklin co., Tenn. Admitted to the bar in 1841, he was elected in 1847 to the Tennessee…

Hitchcock, Gilbert Monell

(Encyclopedia) Hitchcock, Gilbert Monell, 1859–1934, American newspaper publisher and political leader, b. Omaha, Nebr. A lawyer, he founded (1885) the Omaha Evening World, combined it (1889) with…

Miller, Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Miller, Stephen, 1985–, American political consultant and government official, b. Santa Monica, Calif., B.A. Duke, 2007. A conservative Republican, Miller worked for the Senate…

Allison, William Boyd

(Encyclopedia) Allison, William Boyd, 1829–1908, U.S. Senator from Iowa (1873–1908), b. Ashland co., Ohio. He served (1863–71) in the House of Representatives and entered the Senate in 1873. One of…

Leoni, Raúl

(Encyclopedia) Leoni, RaúlLeoni, Raúlrä&oomacr;lˈ lāōˈnē [key], 1905–72, president of Venezuela (1964–69). As a student (1921) he was jailed for political activity and during the next 37 years…

Sedgwick, Theodore

(Encyclopedia) Sedgwick, Theodore, 1746–1813, American lawyer and statesman, b. West Hartford, Conn. He practiced law in Massachusetts after being admitted (1766) to the bar. In the American…

Provoost, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Provoost, SamuelProvoost, Samuelprōˈvōst [key], 1742–1815, first Episcopal bishop of New York, b. New York City, grad. King's College (now Columbia Univ.), 1758. He studied at…

Orr, James Lawrence

(Encyclopedia) Orr, James Lawrence, 1822–73, American politician, b. Craytonville, S.C. He served in the South Carolina legislature (1844–48) and in the U.S. House of Representatives (1849–59), where…

Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore

(Encyclopedia) Frelinghuysen, Frederick TheodoreFrelinghuysen, Frederick Theodorefrēˈlĭnghīˌzən [key], 1817–85, U.S. secretary of state (1881–85), b. Millstone, Somerset co., N.J. He studied law in…

Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloria

(Encyclopedia) Macapagal-Arroyo, GloriaMacapagal-Arroyo, Gloriamäkäpägälˈ- [key]Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloriaärōˈyō [key], 1947–, Philippine political leader, president of the Philippines (2001–10),…