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Esch, John Jacob

(Encyclopedia) Esch, John JacobEsch, John Jacobĕsh [key], 1861–1941, U.S. Congressman and federal administrator, b. Norwalk, Wis. A lawyer in La Crosse, he became a member of the House of…

Foster, Sir George Eulas

(Encyclopedia) Foster, Sir George Eulas, 1847–1931, Canadian statesman, b. New Brunswick. He first entered the Canadian House of Commons in 1882 and later held a number of cabinet positions,…

Underwood, Oscar Wilder

(Encyclopedia) Underwood, Oscar Wilder, 1862–1929, American political leader, U.S. Senator from Alabama (1915–27), b. Louisville, Ky. A lawyer in Birmingham, Ala., he became important in Democratic…

Boreman, Arthur Ingram

(Encyclopedia) Boreman, Arthur Ingram, 1823–96, first governor of West Virginia (1863–69), b. Waynesburg, Pa. A member (1855–61) of the Virginia house of delegates, Boreman opposed secession and…

Chase, Salmon Portland

(Encyclopedia) Chase, Salmon Portland, 1808–73, American public official and jurist, 6th chief justice of the United States (1864–73), b. Cornish, N.H. Admitted to the bar in 1829, he defended…


(Encyclopedia) DrususDrususdr&oomacr;ˈsəs [key], Roman family of the gens Livius. An early distinguished member was Marcus Livius Drusus, d. 109? b.c., tribune of the people (122) with Caius…


(Encyclopedia) CassiusCassiuskăshˈəs [key], ancient Roman family. There were a number of well-known members. Spurius Cassius Viscellinus, d. c.485 b.c., seems to have been consul several times. In…

Miller, Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Miller, Stephen, 1985–, American political consultant and government official, b. Santa Monica, Calif., B.A. Duke, 2007. A conservative Republican, Miller worked for the Senate…

Leoni, Raúl

(Encyclopedia) Leoni, RaúlLeoni, Raúlrä&oomacr;lˈ lāōˈnē [key], 1905–72, president of Venezuela (1964–69). As a student (1921) he was jailed for political activity and during the next 37 years…