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Garnett, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Garnett, Richard, 1835–1906, English librarian and author. From 1851 until his retirement in 1899 he was connected with the British Museum, which he served with great distinction.…

Flanagan, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Flanagan, Richard, 1961–, Australian novelist, b. Longford, Tasmania, studied Univ. of Tasmania (grad. 1982), Oxford (Rhodes scholar). Flanagan, whose novels explore the past and…

Ford, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Ford, Richard, 1944–, American novelist, b. Jackson, Miss.; grad. Michigan State Univ. (B.A., 1966), Univ. of California, Irvine (M.F.A., 1970). Ford's concerns are those of a moralist…

Head, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Head, Richard, c.1637–c.1686, English writer. His best-known work is The English Rogue (1665), a collection of crude picaresque stories. Sequels to this work were written by Francis…

Brautigan, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Brautigan, RichardBrautigan, Richardbrôˈtəgăn [key], 1935–84, American novelist and poet, b. Tacoma, Wash. He was a counterculture hero of the 1960s and 70s, and his work is an…

Cameron, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Cameron, RichardCameron, Richardkămˈərən [key], 1648–1680, Scottish leader of the Cameronians, an extreme group of Covenanters. In 1672, under the influence of the open-air preacher…

Wright, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Wright, Richard, 1908–60, American author. An African American born on a Mississippi plantation, Wright struggled through a difficult childhood and worked to educate himself. He moved…

Bright, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Bright, Richard, 1789–1858, English physician. In London he was the leading consultant of his time, and he contributed many important clinical observations. He was the author of the…

Bentley, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Bentley, Richard, 1662–1742, English critic and philologist. Generally considered the greatest of English classical scholars, he was also an Anglican clergyman who became (1717) Regius…

Wilson, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Wilson, Richard, 1713?–1782, British landscape painter, b. Wales. He studied in London and achieved success as a portrait painter, but after a visit to Italy (c.1750–1756) he devoted…