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water table

(Encyclopedia) water table, the top zone of soil and rock in which all voids are saturated with water. The level of the water table varies with topography and climate, and depends on the degree to…


(Encyclopedia) pumicepumicepŭmˈĭs [key], volcanic glass formed by the solidification of lava that is permeated with gas bubbles. Usually found at the surface of a lava flow, it is colorless or light…

Devils Tower National Monument

(Encyclopedia) Devils Tower National Monument, 1,347 acres (546 hectares), overlooking the Belle Fourche River, NE Wyo.; it was the first designated U.S. national monument (1906). Devils Tower, 865…

Behistun Inscription

(Encyclopedia) Behistun InscriptionBehistun Inscriptionbāhĭst&oomacr;nˈ, bə–, bēhĭsˈt&oobreve;n [key] or Bisutun InscriptionBisutun Inscriptionbēs&oomacr;t&oomacr;nˈ, bēsə– [key],…


(Encyclopedia) landslide, rapid slipping of a mass of earth or rock from a higher elevation to a lower level under the influence of gravity and water lubrication. More specifically, rockslides are…

Grateful Dead, The

(Encyclopedia) Grateful Dead, The, American rock music group formed in 1965 by guitarists Jerry Garcia, 1942–95, and Bob Weir, 1947–, harmonica player Ron “Pigpen” McKernan, 1945–73, bassist Phil…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 25, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 24, 1805July 26, 1805July 25, 1805 Thursday July 25th 1805. Set out at an early hour and proceeded on tolerably well the water still strong…


(Encyclopedia) phosphorusphosphorusfŏsˈfərəs [key] [Gr.,=light-bearing], nonmetallic chemical element; symbol P; at. no. 15; at. wt. 30.97376; m.p. 44.1℃; b.p. about 280℃; sp. gr. 1.82 at 20℃;…


(Encyclopedia) fuchsinfuchsinfy&oomacr;kˈsĭn [key] or magentafuchsinməjĕnˈtə [key], bright red dyestuff consisting of the mixed hydrochlorides or acetates of rosaniline and pararosaniline. It is…