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Rh factor

(Encyclopedia) Rh factor, protein substance present in the red blood cells of most people, capable of inducing intense antigenic reactions. The Rh, or rhesus, factor was discovered in 1940 by K.…

Cornish hen

(Encyclopedia) Cornish hen or Cornish chicken, breed of poultry that originated in Cornwall, England, but gained prominence only after it was established in the United States. Its body shape is quite…


(Encyclopedia) polycythemiapolycythemiapŏlˌēsīthēˈmēə [key], condition characterized by an increase in the production of red blood cells, or erythrocytes, in the blood. Primary polycythemia, also…


(Encyclopedia) petroglyphs: see rock carvings and paintings.


(Encyclopedia) lobster, marine crustacean with five pairs of jointed legs, the first bearing large pincerlike claws of unequal size adapted to crushing the shells of its prey. The segmented body of…


(Encyclopedia) garnet, name applied to a group of isomorphic minerals crystallizing in the cubic system. They are used chiefly as gems and as abrasives (as in garnet paper). The garnets are double…

Canyon de Chelly National Monument

(Encyclopedia) Canyon de Chelly National MonumentCanyon de Chelly National Monumentdə shāˈ [key] [De Chelly, Sp. corruption of Navajo Tsegi = rock canyon], 83,840 acres (33,955 hectares), NE Ariz.;…


(Encyclopedia) shale, sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation of mud or clay, having the property of splitting into thin layers parallel to its bedding planes. Shale tends to be fissile, i.e.,…

Dome of the Rock

(Encyclopedia) Dome of the Rock: see Islamic art and architecture.