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Darwin, Charles Robert

(Encyclopedia) Darwin, Charles Robert, 1809–82, English naturalist, b. Shrewsbury; grandson of Erasmus Darwin and of Josiah Wedgwood. He firmly established the theory of organic evolution known as…

Brewer's: Jack o' the Clock

The figure which comes out to strike the hours on the bell of a clock. A contraction of Jaquemart (q.v.). King Richard. Well, but what's o'clock? Buckingham. Upon the stroke of ten. K. R.…

Presidential Oaths of Office: Dates and Locations

Assuming the office Each presidential term begins with an inaugural ceremony in which the president swears an oath of duty as prescribed in the Constitution. Every president in the last 80 years…

Francia, José Gaspar Rodríguez

(Encyclopedia) Francia, José Gaspar RodríguezFrancia, José Gaspar Rodríguezhōsāˈ gäspärˈ rōᵺrēˈgās fränˈsyä [key], 1766–1840, dictator of Paraguay and creator of its national independence, known as…

McLoughlin, John

(Encyclopedia) McLoughlin, JohnMcLoughlin, Johnməglŏkhˈlĭn, –glôfˈlĭn [key], 1784–1857, Canadian-American fur trader in Oregon, b. Rivière du Loup, near Quebec. A physician and then a trader, he was…

Dempsey, Jack

(Encyclopedia) Dempsey, Jack (William Harrison Dempsey), 1895–1983, American boxer, b. Manassa, Colo. Dempsey, called the “Manassa Mauler,” emerged from fights on saloon floors near mining camps to…

Emin Pasha

(Encyclopedia) Emin PashaEmin Pashaāmēnˈ päˈshä [key], 1840–92, German explorer, whose original name was Eduard Schnitzer. A physician, he served (1876–78) under Gen. Charles Gordon in Sudan as a…

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley

(Encyclopedia) Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 1689–1762, English author, noted primarily for her highly descriptive letters. She was the daughter of the first duke of Kingston. In 1712 she married…

Blake, Eubie

(Encyclopedia) Blake, Eubie (James Hubert Blake), 1887–1983, African-American pianist and composer, b. Baltimore. His career extended from ragtime (see…

Tilton, Theodore

(Encyclopedia) Tilton, Theodore, 1835–1907, American journalist, b. New York City. After working for the New York Observer he was (1863–71) editor in chief of the Independent, a Congregationalist…