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Schwartz, Delmore

(Encyclopedia) Schwartz, Delmore, 1913–66, American poet, b. New York City, grad. New York Univ., 1935. He was an editor of the Partisan Review (1943–55). His first work, In Dreams Begin…


(Encyclopedia) spectroheliograph, device for photographing the surface of the sun in a single wavelength of light, usually one corresponding to a chief element contained in the sun, e.g., hydrogen or…

Kids' Top 100 Favorite Books

Source: National Education Association (NEA). Web: . This list was tabulated from an online survey that the National Education Association ran from…

Cabinet Members Under Reagan

Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig, Jr., 1981George P. Shultz, 1982Secretary of the Treasury Donald T. Regan, 1981James A. Baker 3rd, 1985Nicholas F. Brady, 1988Secretary of Defense Caspar…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 13, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 12, 1804June 14, 1804June 13, 1804 13th June Wednesday we Set out early passed a verry round bend to L. S. passed two Creeks 1 me. apt.…

2001 National Medal of Science Recipients

Andreas Acrivos, Albert Einstein Professor of Science and Engineering, City College of the City University of New York, for his pioneering research in fluid mechanics and leadership in the…

Goldwater, Barry Morris

(Encyclopedia) Goldwater, Barry Morris, 1909–98, U.S. senator (1953–65, 1969–87), b. Phoenix, Ariz. He studied at the Univ. of Arizona, but left in 1929 to enter his family's department-store…


(Encyclopedia) hula, traditional Hawaiian dance usually performed standing with symbolically descriptive arm and hand movements and gracefully sensual undulations of the hips; it is also done in a…

John Birch Society

(Encyclopedia) John Birch Society, ultraconservative, anti-Communist organization in the United States. It was founded in Dec., 1958, by manufacturer Robert Welch, headquartered in Belmont, Mass.,…