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Longhorn Cavern

(Encyclopedia) Longhorn Cavern, limestone cave, central Tex., at Burnet. On the northern edge of the Edwards Plateau, the cave (explored length c.8 mi/13 km) lies beneath a triangular ridge rising…


(Encyclopedia) Heredia, city (1995 est. pop. 29,200), capital of Heredia prov., central Costa Rica. On the central plateau, it is a center of the coffee and cattle industries and, with its colonial…

Darling Range

(Encyclopedia) Darling Range, Western Australia state, Australia, at the edge of the Western Plateau, extending 200 mi (322 km) parallel with the southwest coast and rising to 1,910 ft (582 m) in Mt…

Ras Dashen

(Encyclopedia) Ras DashenRas Dashenräs dä-shĕnˈ [key], highest peak of Ethiopia, 15,158 ft (4,620 m) high, N Amhara Plateau, E Africa. It is of volcanic origin and has many craters.


(Encyclopedia) Hadhramaut or HadramautHadhramautboth: hädrəmoutˈ, –môtˈ [key], region, S Arabia, on the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, occupying the southeastern part of Yemen. Historically, the…

Digger Indians

(Encyclopedia) Digger Indians, term indiscriminately applied to many Native Americans of the central plateau region of W North America, including tribes in Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and…


(Encyclopedia) Hazaribagh or Hazaribag Hazaribagh həzäˈrĭbägˌ [key], town, Jharkhand state…

Nubian Desert

(Encyclopedia) Nubian Desert, eastern region of the Sahara Desert, c.157,000 sq mi (407,000 sq km), NE Republic of Sudan, NE Africa, between the Nile and the Red Sea. The arid region, largely a…

San Luis Potosí, state, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) San Luis PotosíSan Luis Potosísän l&oomacr;ēsˈ pōtōsēˈ [key], state (1990 pop. 2,003,187), 24,417 sq mi (63,240 sq km), central Mexico. San Luis Potosí is the capital. Most of the…

Aldan, city, Russia

(Encyclopedia) AldanAldanəldänˈ [key], city (1989 pop. 27,000), Sakha Republic, E Siberian Russia, on the Aldan Plateau. Located on a major north-south highway of the region, it is also in the heart…