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Chotts, Plateau of the

(Encyclopedia) Chotts, Plateau of theChotts, Plateau of theshŏts [key] [Arab.,=salt lake], plateau region of the Atlas Mts., alt. c.3,500 ft (1,070 m), N Algeria, N Africa. The plateau is c.125 mi (…

piedmont, physiographic region

(Encyclopedia) piedmont, any area near the foot of a mountain, particularly the plateau (the Piedmont) extending from New York to Alabama E of the Appalachian Mts. and W of the Atlantic coastal plain…

Rhenish Slate Mountains

(Encyclopedia) Rhenish Slate Mountains, Ger. Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, extensive mountainous plateau, W Germany, lying between W Hesse state and the borders of Belgium and Luxembourg. It comprises…

Adamawa Massif

(Encyclopedia) Adamawa MassifAdamawa Massifädämäwäˈ, ădˌəmäˈwə [key], plateau, c.26,000 sq mi (67,300 sq km), N central Cameroon and E Nigeria, W central Africa. It is sparsely populated, and chiefly…

Ethiopian Highlands

(Encyclopedia) Ethiopian Highlands, rugged plateau region of E Africa, covering about two thirds of Ethiopia. It is divided into two massifs by the Great Rift Valley; the Amhara, or Ethiopian Plateau…

Salisbury Plain

(Encyclopedia) Salisbury Plain, undulating chalk plateau, c.300 sq mi (780 sq km), Wiltshire, S England. Largely grassland, it is noted chiefly as the site of ancient monuments, of which Stonehenge…


(Encyclopedia) altiplanoaltiplanoălˌtĭpläˈnō [key], high plateau (alt. c.12,000 ft/3,660 m) in the Andes Mts., c.65,000 sq mi (168,350 sq km), W Bolivia, extending into S Peru. The altiplano is a…


(Encyclopedia) Kassites or CassitesCassitesboth: kăsˈīts [key], ancient people, probably of Indo-European origin. They were first mentioned in historical texts as occupying the W Iranian plateau. In…


(Encyclopedia) KarstKarstkärst [key], Ital. Carso, Slovenian Kras, limestone plateau, W Slovenia, N of Istria and extending c.50 mi (80 km) SE from the lower Isonzo (Soča) valley between the Bay of…

Hidalgo, state, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Hidalgo Hidalgo ēᵺälˈgō [key], state, 8,058 sq mi (20,870 sq km), central Mexico. Pachuca de Soto is…