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Brewer's: Peter Pindar

The nom de plume of Dr. John Wolcot (Wool-cut), of Dodbrooke, Devonshire. (1738-1819.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Peter PorcupinePeter-pence A B C D…

Brewer's: Peter Porcupine

William Cobbett, when he was a Tory. We have Peter Porcupine's Gazette and the Porcupine Papers, in twelve volumes. (1762-1835.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer…

Brewer's: Peter of Provence

came into possession of Merlin's wooden horse. There is a French romance called Peter of Provence and the Fair Magalona, the chief incidents of which are connected with this flying charger…

Brewer's: Peter Wilkins

was written by Robert Pultock, of Clifford's Inn, and sold to Dodsley, the publisher, for 20. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Peter of ProvencePeter…

Brewer's: Long Peter

Peter Aartsen, the Flemish painter; so called on account of his extraordinary height. (1507-1573.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Long RunLong Parliament A…

Brewer's: Lord Peter

The Pope is so called in The History of John Bull, by Dr. Arbuthnot. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Lord StruttLord Mayor's Day A B C D E F G H I…

Peter Gabriel Biography

Peter Gabriel musicianBorn: 2/13/1950Birthplace: Cobham, England Talented musician, and, with Phil Collins, leader of the progressive rock group Genesis in the 1970s. Gabriel went solo in 1976…

Peter MacNicol Biography

Peter MacNicol actorBorn: 4/10/1954Birthplace: Dallas, Texas MacNicol's career was launched in films of the early 1980s, notably Dragonslayer (1981) and Sophie's Choice (1982), in which he…

Peter Sellers Biography

Peter SellersactorBorn: 9/8/1925Birthplace: Southsea, England Inimitable, eccentric film actor who starred in the British comic radio series The Goon Show before making his mark as the…

Peter Lorre Biography

Peter LorreactorBorn: 6/26/1904Birthplace: Rosenberg, Hungary Film and stage actor best known for his villainous roles, most notably Fritz Lang's M (1931). His other films include The…