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Organization of American States

(Encyclopedia) Organization of American States (OAS), international organization, created Apr. 30, 1948, at Bogotá, Colombia, by agreement of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica,…

Perón, Juan Domingo

(Encyclopedia) Perón, Juan DomingoPerón, Juan Domingohwän dōmēngˈgō pĕrōnˈ [key], 1895–1974, president of Argentina (1946–55; 1973–74). In 1971, President Lanusse, convinced that political order…

Rhodes, Cecil John

(Encyclopedia) Rhodes, Cecil JohnRhodes, Cecil Johnsĕsˈĭl, rōdz [key], 1853–1902, British imperialist and business magnate. A trip in 1875 through the rich territories of Transvaal and…

January 2000 News and Events

WorldActing President Takes Charge of Kremlin (Jan. 3): In one of his first actions, Vladimir V. Putin dismisses Tatyana Dyachenko, daughter of former president Boris N. Yeltsin, and other…

October 1997 News and Events

1997 Month-By-MonthWorldU.S. Sends Carrier to Gulf (Oct. 3): The Nimitz is dispatched in a warning to Iran to halt air attacks on Iraq, a violation of the no-flight zone imposed at the end of…

Timeline: Labor Unions

Here's a history of organized labor in the United States 1869 One of the earliest and most influential labor organizations, the Knights of Labor is founded by Philadelphia tailors.…

Women's Suffrage: Politics After the War

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler The First Victory (1869)Two Amendments and Many WomenPolitics After the WarThe enfranchisement of the Negro did not have the effect upon…

Apologies for War

Appreciations of Sun Tzu Bibliography Apologies for War Accustomed as we are to think of China as the greatest peace-loving nation on earth, we are in some danger of forgetting that her…