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February Revolution, in French history

(Encyclopedia) February Revolution, 1848, French revolution that overthrew the monarchy of Louis Philippe and established the Second Republic. General dissatisfaction resulted partly from the king's…

Zinoviev, Grigori Evseyevich

(Encyclopedia) Zinoviev, Grigori EvseyevichZinoviev, Grigori Evseyevichgrĭgôˈrē yĭfsyāˈəvĭch zēnôˈvēĕf [key], 1883–1936, Soviet Communist leader, originally named Radomyslsky. He joined the Russian…

Zapata, Emiliano

(Encyclopedia) Zapata, EmilianoZapata, Emilianoāmēlyäˈnō säpäˈtä [key], c.1879–1919, Mexican revolutionary, b. Morelos. Zapata was of almost pure native descent. A tenant farmer, he occupied a social…

Thaksin Shinawatra

(Encyclopedia) Thaksin ShinawatraThaksin Shinawatratäkˈsĭn shĭˈnäwät [key], 1949–, Thai business executive and political leader, b. Chiang Mai. Born into a wealthy merchant family, he went into the…

December 2005

WorldSeveral Marines Die in Attack (Dec. 2): Ten marines are killed and about a dozen wounded by a bomb attack in Falluja.Military Admits to Paying for News Coverage (Dec. 2): Pentagon…

Labor Unions | Civics: Links to History

Links to History: Labor Unions 1860 source: Private Collection, The Bridgeman Art Library International Ltd.1869 One of the earliest and most influential labor organizations, the…

The Supreme Court: Joseph Story (1811-1845)

Joseph Story (1811-1845)The Supreme CourtGreat Minds of the CourtJoseph Story (1811-1845)Oliver Wendell Holmes (1902-1932)Louis Brandeis (1916-1939)Benjamin Cardozo (1932-1938)Hugo Black (…

December 1997 News and Events

1997 News Month-By-MonthWorldTurkey Sentences 33 in Mob Attack (Dec. 2): Court decrees death penalty for group accused of killing 37 secular intellectuals in 1993.New Talks Held on Hong Kong…

January 1998 News and Events

1998 News Month-By-Month World Netanyahu Survives Parliamentary Test (Jan. 4): Israeli Prime Minister's majority threatened by resignation of Foreign Minister David Levy. (Jan. 5): Netanyahu…