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Displaying 461 - 470

Brewer's: Dickens

(See Boz.) Dickens is a perverted oath corrupted from “Nick.” Mrs. Page says - “I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.” - Shakespeare: Merry Wives of Windsor, iii. 2. The three…

Walt Whitman: The Mystic Trumpeter

The Mystic TrumpeterPart 1Hark, some wild trumpeter, some strange musician, Hovering unseen in air, vibrates capricious tunes to-night.I hear thee trumpeter, listening alert I catch thy notes…

Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Postcript

by Robert Burns Epistle To William SimsonOne Night As I Did WanderPostcript My memory's no worth a preen; I had amaist forgotten clean, Ye bade me write you what they mean…

1996 NBA Basketball Assist Leaders

Assists GmAstAvgMark Jackson, Ind8293511.4John Stockton, Utah8286010.5Kevin Johnson, Pho706539.3Jason Kidd, Pho554969.0Rod Strickland, Port827278.9Damon Stoudamire, Tor817098.8Tim Hardaway,…