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Displaying 451 - 460

Brewer's: Nix

(mas.), Nixie (fem.). Kind busy-body. Little creatures not unlike the Scotch brownie and German kobold. They wear a red cap, and are ever ready to lend a helping hand to the industrious…

Brewer's: Elegant Extracts

The 85th Foot, remodelled in 1813, after the numerous court-martials which then occurred. The officers of the regiment were removed, and officers drafted from other regiments were…

Brewer's: Playing to the Gods

Degrading one's vocation ad captanduin vulgus. The gods, in theatrical phrase, are the spectators in the uppermost gallery, the ignobile vulgus. The ceiling of Drury Lane theatre was at…

Brewer's: Scratch

Old Scratch. Scrat, the house-demon of the North. (Icelandic, scratti, an imp.) (See Deuce, Nick , etc.) Scratch (A). One who in a race starts from the scratch, other runners in the…

2003–2004 Daytime Emmy Awards

The 2003–2004 Daytime Emmy Awards were presented on May 21, 2004, at New York City's Radio City Music Hall.Outstanding Drama Series: The Young and the Restless (CBS)Lead Actor in a Drama…

Brewer's: Clerk

A scholar. Hence, beau-clerc. (See above, Clerical Titles .) All the clerks, I mean the learned ones, in Christian kingdoms, Have their free voices. Shakespeare: Henry VIII., ii. 2.…

Brewer's: In-and-In

A game with four dice, once extremely common, and frequently alluded to. “In” is a throw of doubles, “in-and-in” a throw of double doubles, which sweeps the board. “I have seen three…

Brewer's: Dickens

(See Boz.) Dickens is a perverted oath corrupted from “Nick.” Mrs. Page says - “I cannot tell what the dickens his name is.” - Shakespeare: Merry Wives of Windsor, iii. 2. The three…

Brewer's: Auld Hornie

After the establishment of Christianity, the heathen deities were degraded by the Church into fallen angels; and Pan, with his horns, crooked nose, goat's beard, pointed ears, and goats'…