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The Devil's Dictionary: Liver

by Ambrose Bierce LITIGATIONLL.D.LIVER -n. A large red organ thoughtfully provided by nature to be bilious with. The sentiments and emotions which every literary anatomist now knows to…

Major Fires

1871Oct. 8, Peshtigo, Wis.: over 1,500 lives lost and 3.8 million acres burned in forest fire.Other Fires and ExplosionsExplosionWorst United States DisastersFlood

Major Hurricanes

1900Sept. 8, Galveston, Tex.: an estimated 6,000–8,000 dead, mostly from devastation due to tidal surge.Other U.S. HurricanesFloodWorst United States DisastersMarine

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Appendix

Contents The Poet I II Fragments on the Poet and the Poetic Gift I II III IV V Fragments Fragments on Nature and Life Nature The Earth The Heavens…

John Donne: Expostulation XX. Id agunt.

ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, the God of order, but yet not of ambition, who assignest place to every one, but not contention for place, when shall it be thy pleasure to put an end…

Theories of the Universe: Born of Probability

Born of ProbabilityTheories of the UniverseChunks of UncertaintyJust a Little Math Won't HurtBorn of ProbabilityThey're Complementary After All Schrdingers's picture of the atom relied on a…

Nuclear Disaster Glossary: Terms and Definitions

Becquerel, Cesium, Hibakusha, Pressurized water reactor, and more by Catherine McNiff Below are terms and definitions frequently used in the aftermath of the nuclear disaster in Japan. A-M |…

The Devil's Dictionary: Innate

by Ambrose Bierce INKIN'ARDSINNATE -adj. Natural, inherent - as innate ideas, that is to say, ideas that we are born with, having had them previously imparted to us. The doctrine of innate…

Aesop's Fables: The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea

by Aesop The Traveller and His DogThe Wild Boar and the FoxThe Shipwrecked Man and the Sea A Shipwrecked Man cast up on the beach fell asleep after his struggle with the waves. When he…

Theories of the Universe: Size in the Microcosm

Size in the MicrocosmTheories of the UniverseForces, Particles, and Some Cosmological GlueSize in the MicrocosmThe Forces You Already KnowThe Particle ZooThe Last Train to Quarkville I'd like to…