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Aboriginal Australia

History and culture of Australia's indigenous peoples by Ricco Villanueva Siasoco Djakapurra Munyarryun plays the didgeridoo in the "Sea of Hands" display in Sydney in 1998. The display was in…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Preface

PrefaceIn Mr. Cabot's prefatory note to the Riverside Edition of the Poems, published the year after Mr. Emerson's death, he said:— "This volume contains nearly all the pieces included in…

2011 Science News: Danger in Dixie Alley

Tornadoes Ravaged Parts of the Southeast U.S. in April and May 2011 by Catherine McNiff A tornado that hit Joplin, MO, in May killed 161 people. Source: NOAA…

Brewer's: Metaphysics

(Greek, after-physics). The disciples of Aristotle thought that matter or nature should be studied before mind. The Greek for matter or nature is physics, and the science of its causes and…

Brewer's: Gamaheu

a natural cameo, or intaglio. These stones (chiefly agate) contain natural representations of plants, landscapes, or animals. Pliny tells us that the “Agate of Pyrrhus” contained a…


1979May 25, Chicago: American Airlines DC-10 crashed seconds after takeoff, killing all 272 people aboard and 3 on the ground. Other Aircraft AccidentsWorst United States DisastersAvalanche…

Maitrayana-Brahmaya-Upanishad: Sixth Prapathaka

Sixth Prapatraka1. He (the Self) bears the Self in two ways, as he who is Prâna (breath), and as he who is Aditya (the sun). Therefore there are two paths for him, within and without, and…