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Callot, Jacques

(Encyclopedia) Callot, JacquesCallot, Jacqueszhäk kälōˈ [key], c.1592–1635, French etcher and engraver, b. Nancy. Callot was an influential innovator and a brilliant observer of his time. In 1612 he…

Walker, Nancy

(Ann Myrtle Swoyer) actress, comedienneBirthplace: PhiladelphiaBorn: 1922Died: 1992

Graves, Nancy

(Stevenson) artistBirthplace: Pittsfield, Mass.Born: 1940Died: 1996

Kelly, Nancy

actressBirthplace: Lowell, Mass.Born: 1921Died: 1995

Brewer's: Nancy

The sailor's choice in Dibdin's exquisite song beginning, “'Twas post meridian half-past four.” At half-past four he parted by signal from his Nancy; at eight he bade her a long adieu; next morn a…