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Iskander, Fazil Abdulovich

(Encyclopedia) Iskander, Fazil Abdulovich, 1929–2016, Russian writer, grad. Moscow Library Institute, 1954. Iskander's novels and stories, mainly set in his native Abkhazia, are charmingly satirical…

Koussevitzky, Serge

(Encyclopedia) Koussevitzky, Serge (Sergei Aleksandrovich Koussevitzky)Koussevitzky, Sergesĕrzh k&oomacr;səvĭtˈskē; Rus. syĭrgāˈ əlyĭksänˈdrəvĭch k&oobreve;syĭvētˈskē [key], 1874–1951,…

Dimitrov, Georgi

(Encyclopedia) Dimitrov, GeorgiDimitrov, Georgigĕôrˈgē dĭmēˈtrŏf [key], 1882–1949, Bulgarian Communist leader. A revolutionary from boyhood, he was a leader in the 1923 Communist uprising against…

Hull, Cordell

(Encyclopedia) Hull, CordellHull, Cordellkôrdĕlˈ [key], 1871–1955, American statesman, b. Overton co. (now Pickett co.), Tenn. Admitted to the bar in 1891, he sat (1893–97) in the Tennessee…


(Encyclopedia) PskovPskovpəskôfˈ [key], city (1989 pop. 204,000), capital of Pskov region, NW European Russia, on the Velikaya River. It is an important rail junction in the heart of a flax-growing…

Otunbayeva, Roza

(Encyclopedia) Otunbayeva, Roza, 1950–, Kyrgyz political leader and diplomat, b. Osh. After graduating (1972) from Moscow State Univ. she taught philosophy (1972–78) at Kyrgyz State National Univ.…


(Encyclopedia) VladimirVladimirvlədyēˈmĭr [key], city (1989 pop. 350,000), capital of Vladimir region, W central European Russia, on the Klyazma River. A rail junction, it has industries producing…

Gabo, Naum

(Encyclopedia) Gabo, NaumGabo, Naumnoum gäˈbō [key], 1890–1977, Russian sculptor, architect, theorist, and teacher, brother of Antoine Pevsner. Gabo lived in Munich and Norway until the end of the…

Gottwald, Klement

(Encyclopedia) Gottwald, KlementGottwald, Klementklāməntˈ gôtˈvält [key], 1896–1953, Czechoslovak Communist leader, b. Moravia. After World War I he helped found the Czechoslovak Communist party and…

Carlos the Jackal

(Encyclopedia) Carlos the Jackal, pseud. of the revolutionary and international terrorist Ilich Ramírez Sánchez, 1949–, b. Caracas, Venezuela. Son of an affluent Marxist lawyer, he joined the…