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Warsaw Treaty Organization

(Encyclopedia) Warsaw Treaty Organization or Warsaw Pact, alliance set up under a mutual defense treaty signed in Warsaw, Poland, in 1955 by Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary,…

Batu Khan

(Encyclopedia) Batu KhanBatu Khanbäˈt&oomacr; kän [key], d. 1255, Mongol leader; a grandson of Jenghiz Khan. In 1235 Batu became commander of the Mongol army assigned to the conquest of Europe;…

Ho Chi Minh

(Encyclopedia) Ho Chi MinhHo Chi Minhhô chē mĭn [key], 1890–1969, Vietnamese nationalist leader, president of North Vietnam (1954–69), and one of the most influential political leaders of the 20th…

Khasbulatov, Ruslan Imranovich

(Encyclopedia) Khasbulatov, Ruslan Imranovich, 1942–, Russian politician. A Chechen from the Caucasus region, he was an academic economist in Moscow before his election (1990) to the Russian Congress…

Liu Shaoqi

(Encyclopedia) Liu Shaoqi or Liu Shao-ch'iLiu Shao-ch'iboth: ly&oomacr; shou-chē [key], 1898?–1969, Chinese Communist political leader. Liu joined (1920) a Comintern organization in Shanghai,…

Chancellor, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Chancellor, Richard, d. 1556, English navigator. When, largely under the inspiration of Sebastian Cabot, a group of men in England undertook to finance a search for the Northeast…

Schnittke, Alfred

(Encyclopedia) Schnittke, Alfred, 1924–98, Russian composer. He studied music in Vienna (1946–48) and at the Moscow Conservatory (1953–58), where he later (1962–72) taught instrumentation. Thereafter…

Volga-Baltic Waterway

(Encyclopedia) Volga-Baltic Waterway, canal and river system, c.685 mi (1,100 km) long, N European Russia. It links the Volga River and the St. Petersburg industrial area. It consists of the Moscow-…

Aliyev, Ilham

(Encyclopedia) Aliyev, IlhamAliyev, Ilhamēlˈhäm [key]Aliyev, Ilham älēˈyĕf [key], 1961–, Azerbaijani political leader, president of Azerbaijan (2003–), b. Baku; son of President Heydar Aliyev. He…


(Encyclopedia) DnieperDniepernēˈpər [key], Belarusian Dnyapro, Rus. Dnepr, Ukr. Dnipro, river, c.1,430 mi (2,300 km) long, in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. One of the longest rivers in Europe, it…