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Eisenhower, Milton Stover

(Encyclopedia) Eisenhower, Milton Stover, 1899–1985, American educator and public official, b. Abilene, Kans., grad. Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science (now Kansas State Univ.),…

Dolby, Ray Milton

(Encyclopedia) Dolby, Ray Milton, 1933–2013, American inventor, audio engineer, and corporate executive, B.S. Stanford, 1957, Ph.D. Cambridge, 1961. While a teenager, he worked for Ampex Corp. (1949–…

Hay, John Milton

(Encyclopedia) Hay, John Milton, 1838–1905, American author and statesman who was an important political figure from the mid-19th cent. into the early 20th cent.; b. Salem, Ind., grad. Brown. He…

Hart, Lorenz Milton

(Encyclopedia) Hart, Lorenz Milton, 1895–1943, American lyricist, b. New York City, studied at Columbia. Hart began collaborating with Richard Rodgers in 1919; their initial success was The Garrick…

Jones, Samuel Milton

(Encyclopedia) Jones, Samuel Milton, 1846–1904, American political reformer, known as “Golden Rule” Jones, b. Wales. He was brought to America as a child and worked in the oil fields of Pennsylvania…


(Encyclopedia) monetarism, economic theory that monetary policy, or control of the money supply, is the primary if not sole determinant of a nation's economy. Monetarists believe that management of…


(Encyclopedia) Samson, in the Bible, judge of Israel. His long hair was a symbol of his vows to God, and because of this covenant Samson was strong. The enemies of his people, the Philistines,…

Daiches, David

(Encyclopedia) Daiches, DavidDaiches, Daviddāˈchēz [key], 1912–2005, British critic, b. Sunderland. A graduate of Edinburgh Univ. and Oxford (M.A., 1934; Ph.D., 1939), Daiches taught at several…

Shuster, George Nauman

(Encyclopedia) Shuster, George Nauman, 1894–1977, American educator, b. Lancaster, Wis., grad. Notre Dame (B.A., 1915; M.A., 1920) and Columbia (Ph.D., 1940). He was head of the department of English…

Bridges, Robert Seymour

(Encyclopedia) Bridges, Robert Seymour, 1844–1930, English poet. In 1882 he abandoned medical practice to devote himself to writing. An excellent metrist, he wrote many beautiful lyrics and longer…