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Other Worldwide Champions

1999 Major UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) Road ResultsMenTour Down Under (AUS)Stuart O'Grady, AUSMediterranean Tour (FRA)Davide Rebellin, ITARuta del Sol (SPA)Javier Pascual Rodriguez,…

Brewer's: Michael Angelo

The celebrated painter, born 1474, died 1563. The Michael-Angelo of battle-scenes. Michael-Angelo Cerquozzi, a native of Rome, famous for his battle-scenes and shipwrecks. (1600-1660.)…

Brewer's: Mathurin

(St.). Patron saint of idiots and fools. A pun on his name. (See below.) The malady of St. Mathurin. Folly, stupidity. A French expression. Maturins, in French argot, means dice, and “…

Brewer's: Moses' Horns

Exodus xxxiv. 30, “All the children of Israel saw Moses, and the skin of his face shone, ” translated in the Vulgate, “Cornuta esset facies sua.” Rays of light were called horns. Hence in…

The 2002 Class of Inductees

Raymond Kurzweil, 1948–, KURZWEIL READING MACHINE. When entrepreneur Kurzweil introduced the Kurzweil Reading Machine in 1976, it was hailed as the most important advance in reading for the…

Leaders of South America

Argentina Juan Facundo Quiroga, Argentine caudillo (1790–1835) Juan Martín de Pueyrredón, Argentine general, supreme director of the United Provinces of La Plata (1816–19) Bernardino Rivadavia,…

26th Lambda Literary Awards

The 26th Annual Lambda Literary Awards were for books published in 2013. Winners were announced during a ceremony on June 2, 2014…