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Brewer's: Glass Houses

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. When, on the union of the two crowns, London was inundated with Scotchmen, Buckingham was a chief instigator of the movement against…

Brewer's: Glass Slipper

(of Cinderella). A curious blunder of the translator, who has mistaken vair (sable) for verre (glass). Sable was worn only by kings and princes, so the fairy gave royal slippers to her…

Brewer's: Globe of Glass

(Reynard's). To consult Reynard's globe of glass. To seek into futurity by magical or other devices. This globe of glass would reveal what was being done, no matter how far off, and would…

Brewer's: Crown Glass

is window glass blown into a crown or hollow globe. It is flattened before it is fit for use. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Crown OfficeCrown A B C D E…

Carter GLASS, Congress, VA (1858-1946)

Senate Years of Service: 1920-1946 Party: Democrat GLASS Carter , a Representative and a Senator from Virginia; born in Lynchburg, Campbell County, Va., January 4, 1858; attended private and…

Leyden jar

(Encyclopedia) Leyden jarLeyden jarlīˈdən [key], form of capacitor invented at the Univ. of Leiden in the 18th cent. It consists of a narrow-necked glass jar coated over part of its inner and outer…

Peter Pan: Peter Breaks Through

The Shadow Peter Breaks Through All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was…

Updike, John

(Encyclopedia) Updike, John, 1932–2009, American author, one of the nation's most distinguished 20th-century men of letters, b. Shillington, Pa., grad. Harvard, 1954. In his many novels and stories,…

Portland vase

(Encyclopedia) Portland vase, a Roman glass vase, known also as the Barberini vase. It is an unusually fine work of the late Augustan era (early 1st cent. b.c.). About 10 in. (25 cm) high and 22 in…

lens, in optics

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Lenses lens, device for forming an image of an object by the refraction of light. In its simplest form it is a disk of transparent substance, commonly glass, with its two…