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Cooley, Charles Horton

(Encyclopedia) Cooley, Charles Horton, 1864–1929, American sociologist, b. Ann Arbor, Mich., grad. Univ. of Michigan (B.A., 1887; Ph.D., 1894); son of Thomas M. Cooley. He taught in the sociology…

Folger, Peter

(Encyclopedia) Folger, PeterFolger, Peterfōlˈjər [key], 1617–90, British settler on Nantucket. He was associated with Thomas Mayhew on Martha's Vineyard, becoming missionary, schoolmaster, and…

Brewer's: Look One Way and Row Another

(To). “Olera spectant, lardum tollunt.” To aim apparently at one thing, but really to be seeking something quito different. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Looking Back

Unlucky. This arose from Lot's wife, who looked back towards Sodom and was turned to a pillar of salt (Genesis xix. 26). Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Glass, Philip

(Encyclopedia) Glass, Philip, 1937–, American composer, b. Baltimore. Considered one of the most innovative of contemporary composers, he was a significant figure in the development of minimalism in…

Del Tredici, David

(Encyclopedia) Del Tredici, DavidDel Tredici, Daviddĕl trədēˈchē [key], 1937–, American composer, b. Cloverdale, Calif. Originally a pianist, he made his debut with the San Francisco Symphony at 16,…


(Encyclopedia) glass, hard substance, usually brittle and transparent, composed chiefly of silicates and an alkali fused at high temperature. Glass has become invaluable in modern architecture,…

bellflower, in botany

(Encyclopedia) bellflower or bluebell, name commonly used as a comprehensive term for members of the Campanulaceae, a family of chiefly herbaceous annuals or perennials of wide distribution,…

Amy Lowell: Venetian Glass

Venetian GlassAs one who sails upon a wide, blue sea Far out of sight of land, his mind intent Upon the sailing of his little boat, On tightening ropes and shaping fair his course, Hears…

Steuben Glass

The Question: Did Baron Wilhelm Von Steuben have anything to do with the development of Steuben glass? The Answer: Not really. The Steuben…