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Behavior and Structure of Water Molecules

This video demonstrates the behavior of water molecules under different circumstances that affect their structure and molecular bonds. A glass of water is poured through a paper towel into a second…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 13, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 12, 1805August 14, 1805August 13, 1805 Tuesday August 13th 1805. We set out very early on the Indian road which still led us through an…

Hadid, Dame Zaha

(Encyclopedia) Hadid, Dame Zaha, 1950–2016, British architect, b. Baghdad, studied American Univ., Beirut (1968–71), Architectural Association School, London (grad. 1977). A partner in Rem Koolhaas's…

Partridge, Sir Bernard

(Encyclopedia) Partridge, Sir Bernard, 1861–1945, English caricaturist and illustrator. He was principal cartoonist for Punch from 1891 until his death. Partridge began his career by designing…


(Encyclopedia) Millville, city (1990 pop. 25,992), Cumberland co., S N.J., on the Maurice River, in a poultry, fruit, and truck-farm area; settled 1756, inc. 1866. The principal industries include…


Experiments"The first of June! The Kings are off to the seashore tomorrow, and I'm free. Three months' vacation—how I shall enjoy it!" exclaimed Meg, coming home one warm day to find Jo…