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The Picture of Dorian Gray: Chapter 15

by Oscar Wilde Chapter 14Chapter 16Chapter 15 That evening, at eight-thirty, exquisitely dressed and wearing a large button-hole of Parma violets, Dorian Gray was ushered into Lady…


(Encyclopedia) liquid, one of the three commonly recognized states in which matter occurs, i.e., that state, as distinguished from solid and gas, in which a substance has a definite volume but no…

Upon Appleton House

Upon Appleton HouseTo My Lord Fairfax Within this sober Frame expect Work of no Forrain Architect; That unto Caves the Quarries drew, And Forrests did to Pastures hew; Who of his great Design…


(Encyclopedia) Dolton, village (2020 pop. 22,006), Cook co., NE Ill., on the Little Calumet River, S of Chicago; settled 1832, inc. 1892. Steel,…

Newton, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Newton. 1 City (1990 pop. 16,700), seat of Harvey co., S central Kans., in an agricultural area; inc. 1872. It is a railroad division point with railroad shops and has a large mobile…


(Encyclopedia) tektitetektitetĕktīt [key], naturally occurring, silica-rich (65%–80% SiO2) glass resembling obsidian and sometimes shale, and is normally jet black to olive green. They appear as…