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Highland Park, IL Social Statistics

NumberPercentSCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school8,385100.0Nursery school, preschool1,01912.2Kindergarten4945.9Elementary school (grades 1-8)3,92246.8High school (…

Oak Park, IL Social Statistics

NumberPercentSCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school14,887100.0Nursery school, preschool1,2788.6Kindergarten8385.6Elementary school (grades 1-8)5,64637.9High school (…

Orland Park, IL Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population51,077100.0SEX AND AGEMale24,43147.8Female26,64652.2Under 5 years2,7525.45 to 9 years3,5246.910 to 14 years3,8107.515 to 19 years3,5196.920 to 24 years2,4834.925 to…

Orland Park, IL Economic Statistics

NumberPercentEMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over40,289100.0In labor force25,53663.4Civilian labor force25,52963.4Employed24,81661.6Unemployed7131.8Percent of civilian labor force2.8(X…

Orland Park, IL Housing Statistics

NumberPercentTotal housing units19,082100.0UNITS IN STRUCTURE1-unit, detached11,11958.31-unit, attached4,16421.82 units340.23 or 4 units8074.25 to 9 units1,4397.510 to 19 units1,3877.320 or…

Orland Park, IL Social Statistics

NumberPercentSCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school13,867100.0Nursery school, preschool1,1228.1Kindergarten6704.8Elementary school (grades 1-8)5,77941.7High school (…

Park Ridge, IL Census Data

People QuickFactsPark RidgeIllinoisPopulation, 2003 estimate 37,46012,653,544Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 -0.8%1.9%Population, 2000 37,77512,419,293Population,…

Park Ridge, IL Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population37,775100.0SEX AND AGEMale17,90247.4Female19,87352.6Under 5 years2,1945.85 to 9 years2,6817.110 to 14 years2,7827.415 to 19 years2,2846.020 to 24 years1,3893.725 to…

Park Ridge, IL Economic Statistics

NumberPercentEMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over29,696100.0In labor force18,74263.1Civilian labor force18,73563.1Employed18,37661.9Unemployed3591.2Percent of civilian labor force1.9(X…

Park Ridge, IL, Housing Statistics

NumberPercentTotal housing units14,619100.0UNITS IN STRUCTURE1-unit, detached11,07775.81-unit, attached4403.02 units3522.43 or 4 units2541.75 to 9 units2942.010 to 19 units6994.820 or more…