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Brewer's: Lady of Mercy

(Our). An order of knighthood in Spain, instituted in 1218 by James I. of Aragon, for the deliverance of Christian captives amongst the Moors. Within the first six years, as many as 400…

Brewer's: Lady of the Rock

(Our). A miraculous image of the Virgin found by the wayside between Salamanca and Ciudad Rodrigo in 1409. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Ladies' MileLady…

Brewer's: Lady in the Sacque

The apparition of this hag forms the story of the Tapestried Chamber, by Sir Walter Scott. An old woman, whose dress was an old-fashioned gown, which ladies call a sacque; that is, a sort…

Brewer's: Lady of Shallott'

A maiden who fell in love with Sir Lancelot of the Lake, and died because her love was not returned. Tennyson has a poem on the subject; and the story of Elaine, “the lily maid of Astolat…

Brewer's: Lance of the Ladies

At the termination of every joust a course was run “pour les dames,” and called the “Lance of the Ladies.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894LancelotLance-…

The Fat Lady Sings

The Question: Where did the saying "It ain't over until the fat lady sings" come from? The Answer: Often mistakenly attributed to N.Y. Yankees Hall of Famer Yogi…

Brewer's: White Ladies

[Les Dames Blanches ]. A species of fée in Normandy. They lurk in ravines, fords, bridges, and other narrow passes, and ask the passenger to dance. If…

Brewer's: Fairy Ladies

or Mage, such as Urganda, the guardian of Amadigi; the fair Oriana; Silvana, the guardian of Alidoro; Lucina, the protectress of Alidoro and his lady-love, the maiden-warrior, Mirinda;…

Brewer's: Good Lady

(The). The mistress of the house. “Your good lady,” your wife. (See Goodman.) “My good woman” is a deprecatory address to an inferior; but “Is your good woman at home?” is quite respectful…

Brewer's: Loathly Lady

A lady so hideous that no one would marry her except Sir Gawain; and immediately after the marriage her ugliness- the effect of enchantment- disappeared, and she became a model of beauty.…