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Displaying 121 - 130

Margaret of Scotland, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Margaret of Scotland, Saint, d. 1093, queen consort of Malcolm III and sister of Edgar Atheling. She was married to Malcolm c.1070. A deeply religious woman, she worked to replace the…

Currie, Sir Arthur William

(Encyclopedia) Currie, Sir Arthur William, 1875–1933, Canadian commander in World War I. He made a distinguished record for himself in World War I as a brigade and division commander, particularly at…

Donati, Giovanni Battista

(Encyclopedia) Donati, Giovanni BattistaDonati, Giovanni Battistajōvänˈnē bät-tēsˈtä dōnäˈtē [key], 1826–73, Italian astronomer, b. Pisa. Serving as director of the Florence Observatory from 1864, he…

Camphausen, Ludolf

(Encyclopedia) Camphausen, LudolfCamphausen, Ludolfl&oomacr;ˈdôlf kämpˈhouzən [key], 1803–90, Prussian statesman and businessman. A leading merchant in Cologne, he headed the liberal ministry…

Casimir-Perier, Jean Paul Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Casimir-Perier, Jean Paul PierreCasimir-Perier, Jean Paul PierrezhäN pōl pyĕr käzēmērˈ-pĕryāˈ [key], 1847–1907, French president (June, 1894–Jan., 1895). He held several cabinet posts…

Vitus, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Vitus, SaintVitus, Saintvīˈtəs [key], 4th cent.?, Sicilian martyr. Vitus is invoked against diseases including epilipsy, nervous disorders, and St. Vitus' Dance (Sydenham's chorea). He…

Shafter, William Rufus

(Encyclopedia) Shafter, William Rufus, 1835–1906, American general, b. Galesburg, Mich. He served in the Union army during the Civil War and in 1867 joined the regular army, rising to become…


(Encyclopedia) MilazzoMilazzomēlätˈtsō [key], town (1991 pop. 31,541), NE Sicily, Italy, on a peninsula in the Tyrrhenian Sea. It is the ancient Mylae. The town is a wine-trade and tuna-fishing…

Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence

(Encyclopedia) Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, 1828–1914, Union general in the Civil War, b. Brewer, Maine, grad. Bowdoin, 1852, and Bangor Theological Seminary, 1855. He taught at Bowdoin from 1855 to…

Willibald, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Willibald, SaintWillibald, Saintwĭˈlĭbôld [key], d. 787?, English missionary in Germany. He traveled in the East and was sent from Rome on a mission to aid St. Boniface. He was made…