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Brewer's: Silver-Tongued

William Bates, the Puritan divine. (1625-1699.) Anthony Hammond, the poet, called Silver-tongue. (1668-1738.) Henry Smith, preacher. (1550-1600.) Joshua Sylvester, translator of Du Bartas…

Brewer's: Orsin

One of the leaders of the rabble that attacked Hudibras at a bear-baiting. He was “famous for wise conduct and success in war.” Joshua Gosling, who kept the bears ât “Paris Garden,” in…


Since 1950, the Sidney Hillman Foundation has recognized journalists, writers, and public figures who pursue social injustice and public policy for the common good. Book Robert Kuttner, The…

Brewer's: Land

See how the land lies. See what we have to do; see in what state matters are. See in what state the land is that we have to travel or pass over, or in what direction we must go. Joshua…

Brewer's: Bruin

One of the leaders arrayed against Hudibras. He was Talgol, a Newgate butcher, who obtained a captain's commission for valour at Naseby. He marched next Orsin (Joshua Gosling, landlord of…

Brewer's: Cities

Cities of Refuge. Moses, at the command of God, set apart three cities on the east of Jordan, and Joshua added three others on the west, whither any person might flee for refuge who had…

Brewer's: Luz

or Luez .The indestructible bone; the nucleus of the resurrection body. “`How doth a man revive again in the world to come?' asked Hadrian; and Joshua Ben Hananiah made answer. `From luz…

Brewer's: Nine Worthies

Joshua, David, and Judas & Maccabaeus;; Hector, Alexander, and Julius & Caesar;; Arthur, Charlemagne, and Godfrey of Bouillon. Nine worthies were they called, of different rites-…

Brewer's: Seasons

(The). In art. The four seasons have often been sculptured or painted by artists: POUSSIN drew his symbolic characters from the Old Testament. Thus, Adam and Eve in Paradise represent…