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Salt Lake City

(Encyclopedia) Salt Lake City, city (1990 pop. 159,936), alt. c.4,330 ft (1,320 m), state capital and seat of Salt Lake co., N central Utah, on the Jordan River and near the Great Salt Lake, at the…

Troublesome Creek: A Midwestern

Directors/Writers/Producers: Jeanne Jordan and Steven Ascher Director of Photography: Steven Ascher Editor: Jeanne Jordan Music: Sheldon Mirowitz Artistic License/Forensic…

The Running of the Bulls

High Five! Bulls Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Ron Harper and coach Phil Jackson each hold one of the team's NBA championship trophies at a rally in Chicago. The Bulls beat…

Joshua: 3

Joshua Chapter 3 1 And Joshua rose early in the morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed…

Arab-Israeli Wars

(Encyclopedia) Arab-Israeli Wars, conflicts in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973–74, and 1982 between Israel and the Arab states. Tensions between Israel and the Arabs have been complicated and heightened by…

Letting the "Air" out of the NBA

by Michael Morrison Phil Jackson, Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan, the nucleus that brought six NBA titles to Chicago, were officially broken up after the 1998 season with the departure of…

West Bank

(Encyclopedia) West Bank, territory, formerly part of Palestine, after 1949 administered by Jordan, since 1967 largely occupied by Israel (2005 est. pop. 2,386,000), 2,165 sq mi (5,607 sq km), west…

The Chicago Bulls

The Bulls may have seen their last celebration in Chicago's Grant Park for quite awhile thanks to Michael Jordan's (third from right) long-awaited decision to retire.Rumors have circulated that…

October 2018 Current Events: Disaster News

Top of Page World News | Science & Technology News | US News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world news…

Letting the "Air" Out of the NBA

Jordan essentially re-invented sports marketing. He currently earns over $40 million a year endorsing such companies as Nike, Sara Lee, MCI, Gatorade, Upper Deck, Rayovac and Oakley sunglasses.…