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Royer-Collard, Pierre Paul

(Encyclopedia) Royer-Collard, Pierre PaulRoyer-Collard, Pierre Paulpyĕr pōl rwäyāˈ-kô-lärˈ [key], 1763–1845, French statesman and philosopher. After entering the law, he took part in the French…


(Encyclopedia) KuraishKuraishk&oomacr;rīshˈ [key], ancient Bedouin tribe near Mecca to which Muhammad belonged. At one time camel drivers and caravan guides, they became, after acquiring custody…


(Encyclopedia) MidianMidianmĭdˈēən [key] or MidianitesMidianites–īts [key], in the Bible, a nomadic Bedouin people of N Arabia in what is S Jordan. They were associated with the Moabites and the…

Hand, Learned

(Encyclopedia) Hand, LearnedHand, Learnedlûrˈnəd [key], 1872–1961, American jurist, b. Albany, N.Y. He received his law degree from Harvard in 1896. He was a judge of the U.S. District Court for New…


(Encyclopedia) Benjamin [Heb.,=son of fortune], younger son of Jacob and Rachel, eponymous ancestor of one of the 12 tribes of Israel. His mother, dying, named him BenoniBenjaminbĕnōˈnī [key] [Heb.,=…


(Encyclopedia) Pan-Arabism, general term for the modern movement for political unification among the Arab nations of the Middle East. Since the Ottoman Turks rose to power in the 14th cent., there…


(Encyclopedia) EsdraelonEsdraelonĕsˌdrəēˈlən [key] [Gr. for Jezreel], fertile plain, c.200 sq mi (520 sq km), extending southeast c.25 mi (40 km) between the coastal plain, near Mt. Carmel, and the…

Erving, Julius

(Encyclopedia) Erving, JuliusErving, Juliusûrˈvĭng [key], 1950–, American basketball player, b. Roosevelt, N.J., known as “Dr. J.” An excellent shooter, rebounder, and ball-handler, he played for the…

Glubb, Sir John Bagot

(Encyclopedia) Glubb, Sir John BagotGlubb, Sir John Bagotbăgˈət [key], 1897–1986, British soldier. He served in France during World War I and in 1920 was posted to Iraq, where he lived among Arab…