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American Crossword Puzzle Tournament

February 29-March 2, 2008, Stamford, Brooklyn The oldest and largest crossword puzzle tournament in the United States is directed by Will Shortz, the…


Director:Peter ChelsomWriter:Marc KleinMiramax; PG-13; 87 minutesRelease:10/01Cast:John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale, Jeremy Piven Serendipity isn't the result of a pleasant coincidence, but…

The Substance of Fire

Director:Daniel SullivanWriter:Jon Robin BaitzDirector of Photography: Robert YeomanEditor: Pamela MartinMusic: Joseph VitarelliProduction Designer:John Lee BeattyProducers: Jon Robin Baitz,…

Brewer's: Agatha

Daughter of Cuno, the ranger, in love with Max, to whom she is to be married, provided he carries off the prize in the annual trial-shot. She is in danger of being shot by Max unwittingly…

Brewer's: Montero-cap

(A) properly means a huntsman's cap; but Sir Walter Scott tells us that Sir Jeffrey Hudson wore “a large Montero hat,” meaning a Spanish hat with a feather. (Peveril of the Peak, chap.…

June 2017 Current Events: U.S. News

Top of Page Disaster News | Science & Technology News | World News There's always something going on in the United States, and trying to keep track of it all can be a nightmare. Luckily,…

Brewer's: Adonis Garden

or A garden of Adonis (Greek) A worthless toy; a very perishable good. The allusion is to the fennel and lettuce jars of the ancient Greeks, called “Adonis gardens,” because these herbs…