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The Pink

The Pink There was once upon a time a queen to whom God had given no children. Every morning she went into the garden and prayed to God in heaven to bestow on her a son or a daughter. Then an…

The Four Clever Brothers

The Four Clever Brothers 'Dear children,' said a poor man to his four sons, 'I have nothing to give you; you must go out into the wide world and try your luck. Begin by learning some craft or…

Iron Hans

Iron Hans There was once upon a time a king who had a great forest near his palace, full of all kinds of wild animals. One day he sent out a huntsman to shoot him a roe, but he did not come…

Brewer's: Caspar

A huntsman who sold himself to Zamiel, the Black Huntsman. The night before the expiration of his lease of life he bargained for three years' respite on condition of bringing Max into the…

Brewer's: Wild-goose Chase

A hunt after a mare's nest. This chase has two defects: First, it is very hard to catch the goose; and, secondly, it is of very little worth when it is…

Brewer's: Wild Oats

He is sowing his wild oats—indulging the buoyant folly of youth; living in youthful dissipation. The idea is that the mind is a field of good oats, but…

Brewer's: Max

A huntsman, and the best marksman in Germany. He was betrothed to Agatha, who was to be his bride if he obtained the prize in the annual trial-shot. Having been unsuccessful in his…

Brewer's: Humble Pie

To eat humble pie. To come down from a position you have assumed, to be obliged to take “a lower room.” “Umbles” are the heart, liver, and entrails of the deer, the huntsman's perquisites…